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TABITHA EMMA HAS MOVED, you can now find me at

Sydney designer, illustrator and collector.


sketch book


I recently bought a book called 'Sketchbook' by Timothy O'Donnell. A very inspiring book that shows the sketch books of designers, revealing those initial concept sketches.
The book encourages designers to start drawing and doodling before going to the computer and starting to create.
There is something very beautiful and fascinating about sketch books, they give a small glimse into the inner workings of a creative mind.

For some inspiration:
Ted McGrath, and his awesome doodles, and an amazing sketch book interview

Treat and Treasures a sketch book journal blog.

Underground Art School Zine, Sketch book issue.


bethemily said...


I noticed that you had hearted my etsy store, which has brought me to your blog. Thanks by the way, I was hoping that you could tell me who published the sketch book that you posted. It looks interesting. Or is there a website I can purchase it from. x

Sam said...

Gosh! Where did you get that!! It's a real treasure! Maybe Ariel has it?

tabitha said...

i bought it on amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Sketchbook-Conceptual-Drawings-Influential-Designers/dp/1592535216/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1244696165&sr=1-7

tabitha said...

ah yes, i remember, beth emily, i found you through blanket magazine.. adore your work :)

Noa Raviv said...

Wow!! Beautiful!!


bethemily said...

Thank you Tabitha :)