welcome to my world

TABITHA EMMA HAS MOVED, you can now find me at

Sydney designer, illustrator and collector.


Random things

This is a list of random retro objects that I want, for no particular reason, other than to sit in my room, or perhaps use them (depending on what they are)

- Typewritter and oh those letterpress blocks in the back of this photo would be cool too

- old dial phone

- polaroid camera ( i heard they dont sell the film anymore, this makes me sad)

- alphabet wood blocks

- old dummy (i have a new one, but a vintage one would be rad!)

- bird cage
- old camera (slr)

- an old tv (pretty pointless, but hey they look cool!)

-old bicycleleave a comment if there are any random vintage objects you think would be cool to have.


Anonymous said...

Such a good post. I want it all too! I couldn't resist adding some more, so I made a post on my blog.


Laura said...

hi! i have an old typewriter, it's great. Also i have a lovely old record player - the type from the 60s that comes in a suitcase. You should look for one, it's adorable! Also i have a thing for cake stands and found a good one in the charity shop last year. :)

Anonymous said...

I have a nice typewriter but that one is wowwwie nice :D