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Sydney designer, illustrator and collector.


Shopping lists





Does anyone else draw on their shopping lists? Sometimes when I find the grocery list lying around I'll start illustrating some of the things on the list, just for a bit of silliness. Apparently I'm not the only one. Love these illustrated shopping lists by Debbie Hill, illustrator and collector of shopping lists.


Laura said...

They are brilliant!

I love lists, and illustrated ones are even better..

Cassandra Dias said...

Yeah I do the same, although my doodles aren't nearly as colorful and pretty as those!

Lulu said...

i totally do that haha i think it stems back to when i was too little to read and my mum would make me lists where she would draw out the items and how many of them. i love me some lists

Jaz Higgins said...

yes they are pretty! i like to draw on things i wouldn't normally draw on. makes me feel silly! :)