A big thank you to Courtney for the blog award. I really appreciate all my regular readers and feel guilty for not posting very much lately, but I will be back.
So what have I been doing??
Well Tafe (college) has been really busy, lots of assignments. We have been learning flash and web so hopefully I will be able to update my website soon (Its in need of an update).
We also had to organize a talk at Tafe and invite guests from the industry to come speak with us.
The event turned out amazing, we got the guys from Monster Children, Empty Magazine and Naughtyfish to come in, and we got sponsorship from Cupcakes on Pitt, which was awesome.

See all the pics here
I also had my 2 year anniversary on etsy, but was so busy, i didnt get the chance to do anything to celebrate. Last year I made a goal for ,my 2 years. I wanted to reach 300 sales and 3000 hearts. Well I sure surpassed that, having now reached 500 sales and 3406 hearts.
So things have been going really well, even through the bad economy.
Sadly I havn't been able to list much lately though, due to being so bogged down.

I am also preparing for Finders Keepers in May. Which should be a great experience, as I have never done a market before, and this is a really good one.

And f course i have been working at spotlight on the weekends...
busy, busy
More soon.....
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