Made it have updated there website. If you don't know, made it is an online selling venue like etsy but is just for buying and selling Australian handmade goods. I have set up my shop on the new site and it is looking great. The site has only just gone live so it will be exciting to see how it goes. With the Australian dollar being so low at the moment, its encouraging to have a good site that supports Australian handmade goods.

Wow! You're shop looks lovely! Have you been uploading images like mad on madeit this weekend like me?!! :)It's so much easier on this new site than it was before!
Thanks :) Yea I have been madly uploading all my stock over the weekend. It is a lot easier, and it looks nicer too. I'll have to go find your shop to see what you have done
Hi, I have tagged you in my blog. Go there to see the rules!
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