welcome to my world

TABITHA EMMA HAS MOVED, you can now find me at

Sydney designer, illustrator and collector.


Forth Thread now for sale

Forth Thread
The much anticipated Forth Thread zine, that I have been working on with Stuart Smythe, is now available for purchase!
It is an A5 zine, full colour, 48 pages full of great art, and each zine is individually numbered, as there are a limited number.
Featuring art and interviews from Neil Krug, David Thompson, Kareem Rizk, Betca, and many more.
It'll make a great little Christmas gift for any art/design lover.


renee anne said...

sucks you couldn't make it to the show. But try and check it out at some point, you would love it.

gosh and have I told you how much I love the Zine??

I don't think I have. Thank you so much for my copy. I just love it. You have done such a great job with every aspect of it and I cannot wait to see more from Forth Thread!!!

Renee xoxo

tabitha said...

thank you renee :) its been a lot of hard work, but we are really pleased with how it came out.