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TABITHA EMMA HAS MOVED, you can now find me at

Sydney designer, illustrator and collector.


Polaroid Notes

This is a lovely idea. These Polaroid-inspired notecards are made to look like the real thing! Using dreamy Polaroid images, the set comes with 20 different notecards and includes
envelopes. Each is truly beautiful! Made by Chronicle Books.
They are available from Fred Flare. If they hadn't stopped making Polaroid film, this would be a really cute way to send notes to your friends. Take a polaroid of something you saw during your day or something that means something to both of you and write a little note on it.
Let hope they manage to bring back the Polaroid.


Amanda said...

Thanks for promoting our Notes!

Jessie said...

they are gorgeous. i love polaroids (like everyone i guess) but these are very sweet