welcome to my world

TABITHA EMMA HAS MOVED, you can now find me at

Sydney designer, illustrator and collector.


Peppermint mag

I know this is a bit late coming but i have had a very busy last few weeks, doing an internship at a Sydney branding agency, Blue Marlin, which was a lot of fun and I learnt a lot from it.
(This is actually my first day off after working 13 days straight)
Anyway I managaed to get my hands of a copy of Peppermint magazine last Tuesday. If you haven't heard of it, it is an Australian eco fashion mag, the first of its kind here in Australia, and it is quickly growing in popularity.

I got quite a few features in there latest edition, I did some illustration work for the mag as well as being featured in their article 'Made with Love' about the wonderful world of DIY written by Tess Curran.







Lightning Heart said...

ooh that's fantastic! i'll keep my eyes out for it :D

Bianca Cash said...

congratualtions! i was in borders the other day and picked that magazine up and noticed your lovely work in there.

Alex Louisa said...

The cupcakes illustration works so well! Congrats :)

tabitha said...

thank u all :)

Sam said...

That's so cool Tabitha! I'll have to go get a copy from my local newsagent! Congrats!

tess said...

wow, I just discovered your blog. It's so gorgeous! I wish I had your graphic design skills (skillzz). thanks for spreading the love for our lil' peppermint. your illustrations were delectable!