welcome to my world

TABITHA EMMA HAS MOVED, you can now find me at

Sydney designer, illustrator and collector.


Made it

Well I decided to give 'Made it' a go. Considering how bad the Aussie dollar is, I thought I would try an Aussie selling venue, to sell to my Aussie customers. I havn't got much up just yet, I;m just going to slowly list things, and see how it goes. I'd love to hear from anyone about their experiance with Made it. My Made it shop


Alex Louisa said...

I've just opened a shop on MadeIt too recently - for the same reason.

Listing can be a bit frustrating, but I like having somewhere to offer things in Aussie dollars.

Only sold one thing so far - but I'm happy with that since it's so new!

Glad I found your blog :)

tabitha said...

cool, i will have to check out your shop :) good to hear you made a sale

Kim Caro said...

checkin it out...

Anonymous said...

I think you'll do super well on madeit! I have been on there for about 6 months and haven't sold a tremendous amount "yet" :) but it's so nice it's Australian that I keep going with it.

It's a bit tricky putting something up but once you've done it a few times it's a piece of cake!

All the best!

Unknown said...

thanks for posting this!

As an American transplanted in Australia, I would covet the stuff on Etsy, but couldn't justify the cost.

Great to know Made It exists!