welcome to my world

TABITHA EMMA HAS MOVED, you can now find me at

Sydney designer, illustrator and collector.



Today's featured item is this print by Justin Richel. It's called 'He sits below the salt'
I like the humor of it. It looks like he has a whole woodland caught in his hair, its quite beautiful.
Don't forget if you want to participate in my advent calendar blog, email me a handmade upcoming number and I will feature you :)


ROXY MARJ said...

AHHHH I want to do your Advent Calender blog! I just came upon your blog today and LOVE it! :[) I hope I hope there is still a spot? If not, good I do a welcome to 2009 picture for you! :[)

tabitha said...
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tabitha said...

all the number got taken today, so if you'd like you can do 24. im thinking of making a grand finally that day.

tabitha said...

btw i just check out your blog, i love your style :)

Anonymous said...

yoo... love this thoughts ))