welcome to my world

TABITHA EMMA HAS MOVED, you can now find me at

Sydney designer, illustrator and collector.


Jewels and time

I think you can tell how busy I am by how often I blog. This month has been hectic, and l have been rather neglecting my blog.

I came across this jewelry designer ( Lizzie Fortuna) the other day, in someones blog. I really love this textile and vintage style. It makes me want to give it a go myself. If only I had time. I guess its a project for the Christmas holidays.

the inspiration (how gorgeous!!)-


Kate Moore said...

I'll have to go and take a better look at these. I do like them. Like you though all ideas are on hold until mid-October at this stage. I say every year that I'll start printing Christmas cards and making decorations in winter and here we are days out from Spring.

tabitha said...

haha i know, im not at all prepared for xmas either, maybe in october ill get into gear