welcome to my world

TABITHA EMMA HAS MOVED, you can now find me at

Sydney designer, illustrator and collector.


A few moments in the life...

A glimpse into my day...
well its more just a few moments of yesterday afternoon.

I finished this bag today, but below is a few shots of me working on it. If your interested.
The birdie!! Stenciled with pink fabric paint.

Here I am working on it, hehe. Im always working on the floor. I like having lots of space to work.
Oh and I made another large tea cup purse, lovely pose (not) of me working on it.

And this is me, incase you didnt know.


Mel @ Skye Rocket Sews said...

I am in love with your bird cage bag! Thinking of how I would use it since I can't seem to leave the house without the kitchen sink.
Cute blog.

tabitha said...

haha, thank you :)

Anonymous said...

That is so adorable!