welcome to my world

TABITHA EMMA HAS MOVED, you can now find me at

Sydney designer, illustrator and collector.



The weather is slowley but surely getting cooler here (down under). And Im getting excited about stockings, which retrospectively is odd, because when I was little I hated stockings and I remember crying once because I didnt want to wear them but mum made me.
Those of you in the northern hemosphere are probably over winter and getting ready for the warmer weather, where as I am all geared up for rugging up, even though we are still getting warm days.

And its all these images of colourful stockings that are making me excited. Arn't they just so fun and stunning?? Maybe it comes from fashion college, as my final collection included bright blue and purple stockings, we have Christian Lacroix to thank for that.

(These ones remind me of primary school, as we had red tights for our winter uniform)

welovecolors.com has an amazing range of coloured stockings! with 45 colours to choose from!!! can i have all of them?

1 comment:

Claire Mojher said...

Hello! I just discovered your blog, and I adore it!!! It will become one of the great number of blogs I ramble through every morning - great inspiration :)