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TABITHA EMMA HAS MOVED, you can now find me at

Sydney designer, illustrator and collector.


Make my day award

What a sweet idea. I love to find that people are enjoying my blog. I occasionally check Google analytics , and it seems most of my readers come from America.
Anyway.. I got a 'make my day award' from Penguin & Fish see above Blue heart Mouse plush

I have an extensive list of blogs on google reader, so its hard to pick my favorites.

Well I have subscribed to a lot of well known, big name blogs, in which i love. But i thought I would share some of the less well known ones which i think will appreciate it more.

1. Dottie Angel
Dottie Angel makes sweet vintage/ shabby chic textile goods.
2. Lottie Frank, very cool British artist. I love her work

3. My Charlie Girl, awesome Melbourne Artist, whom I have bought a print from.
(this is the piece i bought)

4. Bakerella, makes the most awesome cupcakes!

5. Pikaland, a very cool new blog all about illustration 'the illustrated life'. (note: i have an ad in the side bar, see if you can spot it)

oh and these are the rules:
Here are the "make my day" award rules:
1. Write a post with links to 5 blogs that make your day.
2. Acknowledge the post of the award giver.
3. Tell the award winners that they've won by commenting on their blogs.

1 comment:

Lucy said...

thank you for featuring me on your beautiful blog!